How Far Along: 34 weeks
What We've Been Up To: Finn traveled to Vegas for work this week and was gone for three days. It was kind of weird - probably didn't help that I hurt my head the first morning without him - oy vey! He loved Vegas so much we are considering moving there sometime in the near future (I kid, I kid! He didn't enjoy it much at all).
Went to a pedicure with Hanni and had a delightful time. Got the Muppets glitter removed and my old standby, Lincoln Park After Dark put back on, hooray!
We celebrated my brother's 32nd birthday this week as well as our good friend Justin's 28th. We stayed out way too late that night - pregnant ladies are way too sober for Larimer Square outings at two in the morning!
My mom and I spent all day today (Sunday) fabric shopping and making curtains for the nursery and for Finn and I's bedroom and bathroom. The most time consuming part was finding fabric! Between all the choices, the prices, the "look" you may or may not be going for, wow! what an experience!! We ended up with some awesome stuff and with my mom's fabulous sewing skills we now have beautiful curtains in the baby's room as well as ours - exciting stuff people!
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Baby's Curtains! |
Cravings: Finn has told me that my love for dark chocolate bites doesn't really count as a craving, so I guess I'm not craving anything! Carbs are always good though :)
Sleep: What on earth is this?!
Gender: Currently on the baby pool we have 10 people thinking it is a boy and 8 people who think it is going to be a girl! The boys are slowly taking the lead in this pool. Here's the link for anyone who is interested:
Names: Well we independently went through our excel sheet of potential names and narrowed it down to our top 4 boys and girl names and surprisingly enough, we shared a lot of our top choices!! Super exciting, now it's on to middle names...oh boy (or girl)!! :)
Symptoms: Holy HEARTBURN! Chewing gum and tums are new pals of mine thanks to this wonderment of nature! Ever increasing pelvic pain and pressure - seriously, it's as if I have a kettle bell between my legs which makes walking, rolling over, lifting my legs, and most other things a bit difficult these days. I'm still only waddling for safety's sake, feet and ankle swelling - Hanni asked where my ankle bones went at a pedicure this week, back pain, abdominal pains - especially at night when trying to change positions, and a few, occasional Braxton Hicks contractions.
Favorite moments since last post: Finn coming home from Vegas! Spending time getting pampered with Hanni. Celebrating birthdays with family and friends. And spending time with my mom.
It was a fun day love the choices we made. Xoxo