On Thursday, September 12th, the day started like the last three had. Full of rain. Beginning on September 9, 2013, a slow-moving cold front had stalled over Colorado and clashed with warm humid monsoonal air from the south. The result was heavy rain and some seriously catastrophic flooding along the Front Range (and other areas of Colorado). On September 12th, Boulder County was hit with a staggering 9.08 inches of rain. I had read about blizzards and hurricanes and other natural climate events triggering labor in women - the thought that sometimes a dramatic change in barometric pressure can affect the fluid in the womb, etc. Finn and I had joked about all the rain causing me to go into labor. But, we hadn't taken it too seriously - I mean, we hadn't even packed our hospital bag or anything. And, as embarrassing as it is to admit, I actually had thought I was in labor once on August 27th. Come to find out, I must have just peed myself and my water hadn't actually broken at all. Whoops! So, I wasn't expecting to go into labor on my own. I guess I really didn't even know what that would feel like or be like, looking back. I was induced with Dempsey, so I went from not in labor to 100% in major active labor in what felt like 8 seconds.
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How you know you aren't in labor... |
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Dempsey watching the "wain" fall on Sept. 12th |
Off I headed in a particularly torrential downpour to South Denver to get my phone fixed or a new phone or whatever. I figured if they gave me a hard time I would pull the super pregnant lady hormonal cry thing. On the drive down, I felt it. It. Real. Honest. To. Goodness. Contractions. As soon as I had one, I knew immediately that I had felt that before and how completely different it felt than a Braxton Hicks. I thought, of course, this is where I would go into labor. On the road, with no phone, with roads flooded and no end to this rain in site. Of course. But, I made it to the AT&T store...dude wanted to charge me $200 for the same phone and I just couldn't make a decision and it seemed stupid and I was having contractions...and then I called Finn and he said, "Babe, just pay the $200 and get your phone." So I said I loved him and told the dude to set up my new phone. Then he tells me it's going to take 30 minutes. I look at the clock and realize I don't have time for this! I'm due for my massage appointment in 20 minutes and I'm still an easy 10-15 minute drive away. So I disappointingly leave the AT&T store with no phone and head to my massage appointment.
I arrive at Wash Park Chiro and ask to use the phone so I can tell hubby I still have no phone, but that I made it to my appointment. By the time I arrive there, I feel like my contractions are becoming closer together and stronger by the minute. I had not started timing them but I was guessing about every 10 minutes. As I undress for my massage and attempt to lift my legs out of my pants, one at a time, of course, I realize I am for probably in sure in labor. That makes sense, right?! Amanda comes in and tells me I look so great for being 40 weeks pregnant and we chit chat and I tell her I'm scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning, but that I'm pretty sure I am already in the beginning stages of labor. I tell her I hope that the massage will relax me and hopefully make it possible that I don't need to have the induction. As the hour long massages progresses, my contractions, and Amanda's amazement/concern, continue to progress. By the end of the session I am easily having contractions every five minutes. I am slightly concerned to drive home in the rain, but I have no choice.
As soon as I get home I look at Jill and she knows. I'm definitely in labor. I call Finn to tell him - he's just about to leave work and is looking forward to our last night before the babe comes - some cleaning, some packing, a cocktail or two, ya know, the usual. He asks me how far apart they are and I tell him 5 minutes but getting closer to four. He says OK! He sounds excited and he'll see me really soon. I start trying to get my shit together - baby clothes, my clothes, granny panties, pads, etc. All while Dempsey really wants mom and wants me to hold him and Jill is excited and I'm trying to call my sister, my mom, my dad, etc. and let them all know that this is happening - and seemingly pretty quickly! I have to catch my breath on every call, cry a few times, pull myself together. I think I'm as excited as I am shocked.
When Finn gets home he walks in and as soon as he sees my face he knows. I'm not unsure this time. This is not a false alarm. Contractions are about 3 minutes apart and we need to get moving, and quickly. We take a quick family photo - the last one of the three of us - then head out the door. Giving Dempsey plenty of kisses along the way.
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Final family of three photo. Yes, I'm in pain. :) |
When we arrive at the hospital it is about a little before 6pm. We are given room 7, which Finn believes is somewhere in between rooms 6 and 8. We especially lucked out tonight, because our Dr. happens to be on-call. Which I am more happy about than I thought I would be. Beth is the best, and I am hopeful she'll be the one delivering our baby (she delivered Dempsey, also). A little before 6:30 I get officially checked and find out that I am at 7cm and 100% effaced. I am a little, ok, totally shocked that I have labored on my own and made it so far! The nurse explains my pain options and at the stage I'm at, I basically need to decide if I'm going for it or not. I decide if I've made it this far, I can keep going. Just keep breathing, that's what I keep telling myself.
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Laboring away |
I decide to get in the tub just to relax, get warm and cozy, etc. It feels wonderful, but in hindsight, I think it slowed things down. At 8:30pm I am at 8cm, but my water hasn't broken yet. But contractions remain strong and consistent. At 10:00 I tell Finn that I need to change positions and squat. It feels so weird, but it's what my body is telling me. And as soon as I squat, my water breaks.
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10:30pm and still smiling |
I go back to sitting on the ball and then after a bit I decide to get up on the bed and let the nurse check me. We find out that my water did break, but it didn't completely break, it just starts leaking. So the nurse has me get on the bed and finishes breaking the bag. At 11:11 I begin making my exorcism noises. The cutest of exorcism noises, I'm sure. I just keep reminding myself to keep breathing. At 11:25 I start pushing. It doesn't take many pushes and I can feel the baby coming out quickly. The nurse has me stop pushing so they can get Beth into the room. When Beth walks in and checks out the situation she tells me it is just going to take another push or two. At 11:41 we welcomed a loud, beautiful 8lb 1.6oz, 21 and 1/2 inch baby boy into the world. We named him Hollen Jack Ruehrdanz.
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Hollen Jack Ruehrdanz staring at and sticking his tongue out as his Dad |
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8lbs, 1.6oz of love |
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The biggest downfall of not having my phone was missing the first pics of these guys :( |
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I think I see a smile |
He came out so quickly that his face was pretty bruised. But he was happy and alert and staring at us with his big dark blue eyes. He is long, and lanky and so damn cute. He looks so much like Dempsey, but so much like himself. He apparently loves sticking his tongue out - he has been doing it from the first moment we laid eyes on him. We are so excited that Dempsey will have a little brother and we can only imagine the mischief these two will find themselves getting into as they grow older as best friends.
It was so incredible to have the experience of giving birth without any pain medication or medical intervention. To breath through the contractions, to push and feel every fiber of my body trying to birth a baby, it's pretty indescribable. The fact that I have the most incredible, loving, supportive husband, best friend and birth coach next to me every second of the way, is the only thing that made it possible. I know for certain I never could have done it without him. Not the first time with an epidural and not the second time all natural. He is just the best damn person ever. I love you, Finny.
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Dempsey meeting his brother (09/13/2014) |
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