How in the world did another month pass already!? I'm pretty sure that time speeds up once you have a kid. They are constantly changing, right in front of your eyes. Dempsey is no exception. He has changed quite a bit this past month. He is really starting to get a personality, that's for sure! He smiles all the time, has all sorts of new noises, follows people and dogs with his eyes and is showing more interest (and disinterest) in a variety of things! We have started reading to him and he really seems to enjoy it! He likes his bouncy chair again and that is awesome because I am now able to make dinner, etc. and he can happily sit and watch! He is getting so close to having his first real belly laugh - we can't wait!! He enjoys tummy time and can hold his big noggin' up like a champ! His hands are his best friend, he thinks they are the greatest thing ever!!
He weighs about 13.2 lbs and is around 2 feet long. He fits in most 3 month clothes, although his long legs tend to make his 3mo pants look like shants!
Routine - if there is such a thing with a 3 month old. Sleeps generally from 9:30 or 10pm - 4 or 5am. This sleep cycle was disturbed in his last week as a 2 month old due to mom going Paleo. The Paleo part wasn't/isn't the culprit, but the rapid weight loss I experienced was! I am working on building that back up! During the day he generally eats every two to three hours and takes a few good naps during the day (each lasting several hours). He gets a bath every other night and it is always his favorite time!
Other things that have been going on in the family:
I finished another semester of grad school - and I am rockin' a 3.9 gpa (not too shabby considering full time work, being pregnant, having a baby, and all the other awesome things that come with being me!)
The Ruby Hill Community Garden which I am a co-leader of is going well. It is truly "up and running." We have three pretty large plots and were able to get most of our planting done on Mother's Day!
Finn and I both had our first overnights without Dempsey. I went to Moab for a girls' trip, you can see more pics from that here. It was definitely emotional, but a great experience for sure! I had to pump to keep my milk supply up and to have some to freeze once I got back since the stockpile had was definitely used greatly while I was away. The following week, Finn headed to NOLA for work for nine days! It was tough, but thank goodness we live in a time where technology allows us to video chat, text, email, etc. every day! It was fun skyping with Finn in the evenings so that he could see Dempsey being the goofy kid that he is.
Dempsey's aunt Hanni got engaged!! We were all very excited and we went to Ernie's to celebrate! We know that Dempsey will be the cutest little guy at the wedding, no doubt about it!! :)
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