How Far Along: 37 weeks have already come and gone - so crazy!
What We've Been Up To: On Monday we went to a baby safety class where we learned about infant CPR, choking, first aid, baby-proofing your home and other safety-related things! It was a very informative class for sure. Finn, to no surprise, was a pro at infant CPR and the method used to stop a baby from choking!
I had a prenatal massage with a doula on Wednesday. It was a really great massage and she had TONS of helpful and valuable information regarding childbirth, signs I may be about to go into labor (more-so than the docs share), as well as some things that I may find beneficial - including a great book I got for my Kindle and some Red Raspberry Leaf Tea.
We had our 37 week check-up at the OB on Thursday. Everything looks good! I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced which means all the cramping and contractions have actually been productive! My OB has given us the go-ahead to have the baby any time!

We joined some friends in Boulder on Friday for a game night. While we didn't actually end up playing any games, we all had a great time catching up and cracking jokes.
Finn went to a Daddy Boot Camp on Saturday morning. He said it was an awesome class and very worthwhile. He said he wasn't in the room more than 2 minutes when a dad came up to him with a baby and a bottle and said "here you go!" Finn got to experience holding babies (there were three), changing a diaper, sharing fears and expectations with other dads and I'm sure many more things that I'm not remembering and/or cannot describe as well as him. It sounds like it was a very good experience for him and I know it left him even more excited to get to see and hold our baby one day (soon)!
Cravings: I did get a hankering for Ben and Jerry's ice cream this week!? The strawberry cheesecake and cookie dough flavors were delicious! :)
Sleep: I have continued to have pretty decent sleep this past week! I haven't had any (knock on wood) long stretches of sleeplessness in the middle of the night. I have had some difficulty falling asleep, but nothing terrible.
Gender: We remain at 12 people thinking it is a boy and 8 people who think it is going to be a girl on the baby pool! For those of you who haven't played yet, please do!!! Here's the link:
Names: No updates here. Still in the thinking stages of middle names I suppose.
Symptoms: All the usual stuff. Lots of cramping, some contractions, plenty of pelvic and hip pain, lower back pain/pressure.
Favorite moments since last post: Just knowing that we made it to "full term" and that even if the little one decides to make an appearance today or tomorrow that it has had adequate time to incubate and will most likely have no issues with breathing, etc.
What I'm looking forward to this week: I'm not looking forward to school - I have one assignment due and a test early this Monday and Tuesday. So I'm not-so-secretly hoping that this baby hangs on until at least Wednesday so that I don't have to deal with the consequences of missing any of that stuff. I am trying to live in each moment and embrace what is happening. While it is very exciting to know that the baby will be here any day, it is also nice to try to soak up the final moments of being pregnant - after all, this is the easy part! ;)
I'm also slowly plugging away at Thank You's from my baby shower - such a slacker!
mom and I just read your latest post, we're both so happy for you and Finn, big life is right! Enjoy every bit,special times have a great energy that can bridge future lulls and days of uncertainty, your doing a great job of flying, congrats on all your endeavors,love you