25 Weeks
How Far Along: 25 weeks
What I'm Doing: Just about to leave for work, when Finn asked to take a quick pic of me
Cravings: Not craving a whole lot, though I have noticed my sweet tooth has increased throughout this pregnancy and I have been enjoying cereal of all kinds a heck of a lot more than normal!
Sleep: Depends on the night; sometimes it is great, other times I toss and turn all night, other times I wake up around 3 and have a hard time getting back to sleep before the alarm goes off in the morning.
Gender: Definitely not finding out, still :)
Names: We have a list that is nearly 50 names long... I think we probably really need to start narrowing this down a bit...
Symptoms: Cranky and Tired
Favorite moment this week: Finn seeing the baby move from across the couch. I get to see/feel it all the time, but it makes it special when Finn gets to experience it as well.